Speaking Engagements
Knowledge and Strategies for a Post Brexit Portfolio: Trade Marks, Registered Designs and GIs
Moderator for the panel discussion
ABA-IPL Annual Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
April 12, 2021
Copyright Infringement: Practical Strategies for Online Enforcement
IPIC - Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
November 19, 2020
Protecting Your Brand on the Internet
Brand Management in Canadian Law, Thomson Reuters
August 18, 2020
Trademark Infringement Remedies: Trends and Updates In Canada
Knowledge Group
October 29, 2019
Canada's New Trademark Regime: The Practical, Tactical Guide to Navigating the Sweeping Changes
Osgoode Professional Development
April 30, 2019
An Update on Canadian Trademark Law Reform
ABA-IPL Annual Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
April 10, 2019
For a full list of speaking engagements from 2018 and prior, please see here.

47 Years of Dedicated Experience
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